Worship is at the heart of everything we do at Pleasant Hill Global Methodist Church.
Our typical worship service includes both traditional and more modern worship elements. Every worship service includes music led by at least one instrumentalist and one vocalist. Contemporary music as well as traditional hymns are often part of the order of worship. We have hymnals and chorus books available in the pews, but lyrics – along with scripture readings and other elements – are also projected onto a screen.
Prayer is also a central focus of worship at Pleasant Hill. After a greeting and announcements are shared, a prayer is offered as a way to prepare the congregation to worship God in mind, body, and spirit. Additionally, prayer needs and thanksgivings are shared and the pastor offers a prayer on behalf of the people. The Lord’s Prayer is also recited during this time. Finally, a closing prayer is given after the sermon has been given.
The scriptures are shared and a sermon which proclaims the truth of the scriptures is shared. Sermons at Pleasant Hill seek to connect the ancient scriptures to our lives today. The message of God’s Word is presented as an encouragement for the congregation to grow more like Jesus everyday.
Additionally, we affirm our faith by using the Apostle’s Creed. The sacrament of Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month and at other times, and all who wish to receive are able to regardless of church membership or even the lack thereof. Baptisms are performed by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion in consultation with the pastor. Children and babies are welcome to be baptized at their family’s request.