Reverend Larry Pickering

From The Pastor
Just wanted to let you know a little about me as the new pastor of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church. First, I want to introduce my wife, Brenda. She is my wife of 46 years and is my right arm in everything I do. She leads the music and so much more here at Pleasant Hill. We have been in ministry together for 17 years, not to mention being youth leaders and more before I went into pastoral ministry.
I am Larry Pickering. I am 66 years old and a second career pastor. I previously worked for Pearl River Valley EPA for 35 years in the engineering dept. and was the safety coordinator the last 18. The last six years I was also a United Methodist pastor. I retired and went into full time ministry in 2012. I have been in ministry for 17 years with 16 of those years serving small, midsize, and large churches in the United Methodist Church. I am now an Elder of the Global Methodist Church and very pleased to say so. The GMC is a newly formed Methodist denomination made up almost exclusively of former conservative UMC congregations and pastors. I, and so many more made the move from the UMC to the GMC simply because the UMC is becoming more and more liberal, and the GMC is bible based. The GMC believe scripture is primary in leading us through life to eternal life to come.
Brenda and I are excited about being a part of this community and serving God and you. We enjoy the rural places like the Pleasant Hill, Basin area since we have a home in rural Stone County and have served a church much like Pleasant Hill in the past that had a great ministry within the local area. We look forward to working with all of you in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.